vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

Few days off

Am avut cateva zile libere si am zis sa profit de ele cum se cuvine :) Asta a fost cam acum 3 saptamani :)
Spre Herculane .. bucurandu-ma de vremea minunata

Un motanel frumos si ochios , un Garfield junior :P

O achizitie din Herculane ce mi-a fost foarte draga , cel putin in prima zi :)

Gogoshele cu caramel .. mmm ..

Seara in Sibiu , in vizita la niste prieteni, am iesit la o terasa sa mai stam la un pahar de vorba :) Desi era non-alcoolic cocktail-ul , cand s-a schimbat in verde , nu am mai reusit nicicum sa-l focalizez , asa ca m-am dat batuta :))

O pasarica frumoasa la fantana din Piata Mare din Sibiu .. suferea si ea de cald saracutza :)

Podul Minciunilor din Sibiu , vazut din turn

Am ajuns si in Alba la alti prieteni , si am plecat impreuna spre Turda . Am fi vrut sa intram in salina dar din pacate ultima intrare era la 3 jumatate si noi am ajuns la 4 :(

Asa ca .. ne-am bucurat de o baie in lacurile sarate de langa salina . Acest loc este unul special pentru mine , in Turda am crescut si lacurile acestea imi trezesc multe amintiri .
Plimbarea mea de cateva zile , in cateva poze :) Va pup . Ma asteapta o noua zi de munca , asa ca va doresc o zi mai buna decat a mea :))

marți, 27 septembrie 2011

Giveaway Sakura

Pentru fetele preocupate de sanatatea parului lor , Sakura organizeaza un giveaway constand intr-o Keratina lichida :) Link-ul catre blog-ul ei :)

luni, 26 septembrie 2011


This is the colour when it's cold :)

Wet because I put them into hot water :) Not necesary to do that , it takes only a little bit of heat :)

vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

Nice & sunny

Although is almost the end of September , the weather is still pleasant . Today was very warm at noon , but in the morning and evening it is very very cold , like winter :)) I don't understand how , after that cold it gets so warm , and around . Anyway , I'm glad I can still wear thin clothes . What about you ? What type of clothes do you wear in this time of the year ?

Taaa daaa .. shorts :D

.. but when the evening has come ..

.. and the time stopped ..

my loved ones

Kisses everyone . Wish you have a beautiful week-end .

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Fall walk

I can see the sunlights . Do you ? :)

... and here comes the fall ...

Me and my best friend :D
Have you ever seen so little apple trees and so full of apples ? For me is the first time :)

mmm ...

The sun , struggleing not to set

Only nature .. not Photoshop .. not nothing

Have a nice day everybody :)

vineri, 16 septembrie 2011


Today I felt I can wear my favourite colour :)

Have a sunny week-end girls ! :*

joi, 15 septembrie 2011

Feelin' blue ?

I'm not ..

.. because today I got my new pair of wedges :D It was love at first sight . And now I'm deeply in love :) Me happy :P

Have a beautiful day girls !