vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

Nice & sunny

Although is almost the end of September , the weather is still pleasant . Today was very warm at noon , but in the morning and evening it is very very cold , like winter :)) I don't understand how , after that cold it gets so warm , and around . Anyway , I'm glad I can still wear thin clothes . What about you ? What type of clothes do you wear in this time of the year ?

Taaa daaa .. shorts :D

.. but when the evening has come ..

.. and the time stopped ..

my loved ones

Kisses everyone . Wish you have a beautiful week-end .

3 comentarii:

  1. that is a lovely top/dress! and cool you are wearing denim shorts under :)

  2. thanks for your comment ;)
    my photos was made in the Ukraine - Crimea - Aluszta ;)
